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Getting started


This page is a tl/dr to deploy gen3. If you're already familiar with helm and just want to try gen3, this is your guide.

Deploy gen3

Use the official Gen3 Helm Chart to deploy gen3.

Helm is a tool that streamlines the installation and management of applications on Kubernetes platforms. The official Gen3 Helm Chart can help you easily set up Gen3 and deploy Gen3 data commons, and data meshes.

The Gen3 Helm Chart is primarily intended to make it easy to deploy with the defaults to get a working system in an empty cluster. For more complex scenarios, make sure to refer to the production documentation as well, particularly the databases and reference architecture.

Install helm

Follow Helm’s official steps for installing helm on your particular operating system.

Add the Chart Repository

Before you can start using the Gen3 Helm Chart, you’ll need to add the chart repository to your helm installation:

helm repo add gen3

Finish by updating the repository index:

helm repo update

Install the Gen3 Helm Chart

Use the following commands to install the default Gen3 Helm Chart. The default chart deploys the following services

helm upgrade --install gen3 gen3/gen3 -f ./values.yaml

Use the following as a template for your values.yaml file for a minimum deployment of gen3 using these helm charts.


client_id: ""
client_secret: ""