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Data Access and Analysis

Apps page

The Apps page displays the option of four apps: OHDSI Atlas, Gen3 GWAS, GWAS Results and Data Dictionary. Using these Apps, a user may perform a genomic analysis on available data from projects that they have access to.


Navigating into Apps for the first time will result in a pop-up window requiring the user to select a "Team project". Once selected, the user will see the Team project name in the upper right of all Apps pages. Team members will have access to all team concept sets, cohorts, GWAS runs and results. Note that you can only access the items for your selected team. To create or access items for a different team of which you are a member, navigate back to the Apps page and select a different Team project.

If you are a member of more than one team, you can switch teams by clicking the edit pencil icon (red arrow below) next to your team name.

The links below will jump to the documentation pages for each of the Apps:

Screenshot of Apps page


Currently, workspaces are not available, and therefore you may see an error when attempting to log into this page. Generally, workspaces are secure data analysis environments in the cloud that can access data from one or more data resources. Workspaces include Jupyter notebooks and JupyterLab, Python and RStudio. For more information about the Gen3 Workspaces, you may refer to Gen3 Workspaces and Data Analysis in a Gen3 Data Commons.