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Veterans Precision Oncology Data Commons (VPODC)

Cite the VPODC

Please credit the Veterans Precision Oncology Data Commons in your manuscript by citing the following paper:

Elbers, D. C., Fillmore, N. R., Sung, F. C., Ganas, S. S., Prokhorenkov, A., Meyer, C., Hall, R. B., Ajjarapu, S. J., Chen, D. C., Meng, F., Grossman, R. L., Brophy, M. T., & Do, N. V. (2020). The Veterans Affairs Precision Oncology Data Repository, a Clinical, Genomic, and Imaging Research Database. Patterns (New York, N.Y.), 1(6), 100083. doi: 10.1016/j.patter.2020.100083 PMID: 33205130 PMCID: PMC7660389

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