
Development and deployment


Install required software:

Then use poetry install to install the dependencies. Before that, a virtualenv is recommended. If you don’t manage your own, Poetry will create one for you during poetry install, and you must activate it by:

poetry shell


Create a file .env in the root directory of the checkout: (uncomment to override the default)

# USE_AGG_MDS = True                  # default: False
# DB_HOST = "..."                     # default: localhost
# DB_PORT = ...                       # default: 5432
# DB_USER = "..."                     # default: current user
# DB_PASSWORD = "..."                 # default: empty
# DB_DATABASE = "..."                 # default: current user
# AGG_MDS_NAMESPACE = "..."           # default: default_namespace
# GEN3_ES_ENDPOINT = "..."            # default: empty
# INDEXING_SERVICE_ENDPOINT = "..."   # default: http://indexd-service
# DATA_ACCESS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT= "..." # default: http://fence-service

Run database schema migration:

alembic upgrade head

Run the server with auto-reloading:


Try out the API at: http://localhost:8000/docs.

Run tests

Please note that the name of the test database is prepended with “test_”, you need to create that database first:

CREATE DATABASE test_metadata;
pytest --cov=src --cov=migrations/versions tests

Develop with Docker

Use Docker compose:

docker-compose up

Run database schema migration as well:

docker-compose exec app alembic upgrade head

Run tests:

docker-compose exec app pytest --cov=src --cov=migrations/versions tests

Work with Aggregate MDS

testing populate:

python src/mds/ --config <config file> --hostname localhost --port 9200

view the loaded data



For production, use gunicorn:

gunicorn mds.asgi:app -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -c

Or use the Docker image built from the Dockerfile, using environment variables with the same name to configure the server.

Other than database configuration, please also set:


Except that, don’t use 123 or 456 as the password.

Quickstart with Helm

You can now deploy individual services via Helm!

If you are looking to deploy all Gen3 services, that can be done via the Gen3 Helm chart. Instructions for deploying all Gen3 services with Helm can be found here.

To deploy the metadata service:

helm repo add gen3
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install gen3/metadata

These commands will add the Gen3 helm chart repo and install the metadata service to your Kubernetes cluster.

Deploying metadata this way will use the defaults that are defined in this values.yaml file

You can learn more about these values by accessing the metadata

If you would like to override any of the default values, simply copy the above values.yaml file into a local file and make any changes needed.

To deploy the service independant of other services (for testing purposes), you can set the .postgres.separate value to “true”. This will deploy the service with its own instance of Postgres:

    separate: true

You can then supply your new values file with the following command:

helm upgrade --install gen3/metadata -f values.yaml

If you are using Docker Build to create new images for testing, you can deploy them via Helm by replacing the .image.repository value with the name of your local image. You will also want to set the .image.pullPolicy to “never” so kubernetes will look locally for your image. Here is an example:

  repository: <image name from docker image ls>
  pullPolicy: Never
  # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
  tag: ""

Re-run the following command to update your helm deployment to use the new image:

helm upgrade --install gen3/metadata

You can also store your images in a local registry. Kind and Minikube are popular for their local registries: