DRS Download Tools¶
Module for downloading and listing JSON DRS manifest and DRS objects. The main classes in this module for downloading DRS objects are DownloadManager and Manifest.
- Examples:
This generates the Gen3Jobs class pointed at the sandbox commons while using the credentials.json downloaded from the commons profile page.
>>> datafiles = Manifest.load('sample/manifest_1.json') downloadManager = DownloadManager("source.my_commons.org", Gen3Auth(refresh_file="~.gen3/my_credentials.json"), datafiles) for i in datafiles: print(i) downloadManager.download(datafiles, ".")See docs/howto/drsDownloading.md for more details
- class gen3.tools.download.drs_download.DownloadManager(hostname: str, auth: Gen3Auth, download_list: List[Downloadable], show_progress: bool = False, endpoint: str | None = None, commons_url: str | None = None)[source]¶
Class to assist in downloading a list of Downloadable object which at a minimum is a json manifest of DRS object ids. The methods of interest are download and user_access.
- cache_hosts_wts_tokens(object_list)[source]¶
Using the list of DRS host obtain a WTS token for all DRS hosts in the list. It’s is possible
- download(object_list: List[Downloadable], save_directory: str = '.', show_progress: bool = False, unpack_packages: bool = True, delete_unpacked_packages: bool = False) Dict[str, Any] [source]¶
Downloads objects to the directory or current working directory. The input is an list of Downloadable object created by loading a manifest using the Manifest class or a call to Manifest.load(…
The download manager will download each file in the manifest, in the case of errors they are logged and it continues.
The return value is a list of DownloadStatus object, detailing the results of the download.
- Parameters:
object_list (List[Downloadable])
save_directory (str) – directory to save to (will be created)
show_progress (bool) – show a download progress bar
unpack_packages (bool) – set to False to disable the unpacking of downloaded packages
delete_unpacked_packages (bool) – set to True to delete package files after unpacking them
- Returns:
List of DownloadStatus objects for each object id in object_list
- get_fresh_token(drs_hostname: str) str | None [source]¶
Will return and/or refresh and return a WTS token if hostname is known otherwise returns None. :param drs_hostname: hostname to get token for :type drs_hostname: str
- Returns:
access token if successful otherwise None
- resolve_objects(object_list: List[Downloadable], show_progress: bool)[source]¶
Given an Downloadable object list, resolve the DRS hostnames and update each Downloadable
- Parameters:
object_list (List[Downloadable]) – list of Downloadable objects to resolve
- class gen3.tools.download.drs_download.DownloadStatus(filename: str, status: str = 'pending', start_time: datetime | None = None, end_time: datetime | None = None)[source]¶
Stores the download status of objectIDs.
The DataManager will return a list of DownloadStatus as a result of calling the download method
Status is “pending” until it is downloaded or an error occurs. .. attribute:: filename
the name of the file to download
- type:
- status¶
status of file download initially “pending”
- Type:
- start_time¶
start time of download as datetime initially None
- Type:
- end_time¶
end time of download as datetime initially None
- Type:
- class gen3.tools.download.drs_download.Downloadable(object_id: str, object_type: ~gen3.tools.download.drs_download.DRSObjectType | None = DRSObjectType.unknown, hostname: str | None = None, file_size: int | None = -1, file_name: str | None = None, updated_time: ~datetime.datetime | None = None, created_time: ~datetime.datetime | None = None, access_methods: ~typing.List[~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any]] = <factory>, children: ~typing.List[~gen3.tools.download.drs_download.Downloadable] = <factory>)[source]¶
Class handling the information for a DRS object. The information is populated from the manifest or by retrieving the information from a DRS server.
- object_id¶
DRS object id (REQUIRED)
- Type:
- object_type¶
type of DRS object
- Type:
- hostname¶
hostname of DRS object
- Type:
- file_size¶
size in bytes
- Type:
- file_name¶
name of file
- Type:
- updated_time¶
timestamp of last update to file
- Type:
- created_time¶
timestamp when file is created
- Type:
- access_methods¶
list of access methods (e.g. s3) for DRS object
- Type:
List[Dict[str, Any]]
- children¶
list of child objects (in the case of DRS bundles)
- Type:
- _manager¶
manager for this Downloadable
- Type:
- class gen3.tools.download.drs_download.Manifest(object_id: str, file_size: int | None = -1, file_name: str | None = None, md5sum: str | None = None, commons_url: str | None = None)[source]¶
Data class representing a Gen3 JSON manifest typically exported from a Gen3 discovery page.
The class is passed to the DownloadManager to download or list all of the files in the manifest. The Download manager will cache additional information (if available)
- object_id¶
the DRS object id. This is the only attribute that needs to be defined
- Type:
- file_size¶
the filesize of the object, if contained in the manifest
- Type:
- file_name¶
the name of the file pointed to by the DRS object id
- Type:
- md5sum¶
the checksum of the object
- Type:
- commons_url¶
url of the indexd server to retrieve file/bundle from
- Type:
- static create_object_list(manifest) List[Downloadable] [source]¶
Create a list of Downloadable instances from the manifest
- Parameters:
manifest (list) – list of manifest objects
- Returns:
List of Downloadable instances
- static load(filename: Path) List[Downloadable] | None [source]¶
Method to load a json manifest and return a list of Bownloadable object. This list is passed to the DownloadManager methods of download, and list
- Parameters:
filename (Path) – path to manifest file
- Returns:
list of Downloadable objects if successfully opened/parsed None otherwise
- gen3.tools.download.drs_download.download_files_in_drs_manifest(hostname, auth, infile, output_dir, show_progress=True, unpack_packages=True, delete_unpacked_packages=False) None [source]¶
A convenience function used to download a json manifest. :param hostname: hostname of Gen3 commons to use for access and WTS :type hostname: str :param auth: Gen3 Auth instance :type auth: str :param infile: manifest file :type infile: str :param output_dir: directory to save downloaded files to :param unpack_packages: set to False to disable the unpacking of downloaded packages :type unpack_packages: bool :param delete_unpacked_packages: set to True to delete package files after unpacking them :type delete_unpacked_packages: bool
- gen3.tools.download.drs_download.list_access_in_drs_manifest(hostname, auth, infile) bool [source]¶
A convenience function to list a users access for all DRS hostname in a manifest. :param hostname: hostname of Gen3 commons to use for access and WTS :type hostname: str :param auth: Gen3 Auth instance :param infile: manifest file :type infile: str
- Returns:
True if successfully listed
- gen3.tools.download.drs_download.list_drs_object(hostname, auth, object_id: str) bool [source]¶
A convenience function used to list a DRS object. :param hostname: hostname of Gen3 commons to use for access and WTS :type hostname: str :param auth: Gen3 Auth instance :param object_id: DRS object :type object_id: str
- Returns:
True if successfully listed
- gen3.tools.download.drs_download.list_files_in_drs_manifest(hostname, auth, infile: str) bool [source]¶
A wrapper function used by the cli to list files in a manifest. :param hostname: hostname of Gen3 commons to use for access and WTS :type hostname: str :param auth: Gen3 Auth instance :param infile: manifest file :type infile: str
- Returns:
True if successfully listed