Source code for gen3.wss

import backoff
import requests
import urllib.parse
from cdislogging import get_logger

import sys
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from gen3.utils import (

logging = get_logger("__name__")

def wsurl_to_tokens(ws_urlstr):
    """Tokenize ws:/// paths - so ws:///@user/bla/foo returns ("@user", "bla/foo")"""
    urlparts = urlparse(ws_urlstr)
    if urlparts.scheme != "ws":
        raise Exception("invalid path {}".format(ws_urlstr))
    pathparts = [part for part in urlparts.path.split("/") if part]
    if len(pathparts) < 1:
        raise Exception("invalid path {}".format(ws_urlstr))
    return (pathparts[0], "/".join(pathparts[1:]))

@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.HTTPError, **DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SETTINGS)
def get_url(urlstr, dest_path):
    """Simple url fetch to dest_path with backoff"""
    res = requests.get(urlstr)
    if dest_path == "-":
        with open(dest_path, "wb") as f:

@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.HTTPError, **DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SETTINGS)
def put_url(urlstr, src_path):
    """Simple put src_path to url with backoff"""
    with open(src_path, "rb") as f:
        res = requests.put(urlstr, data=f)

[docs] class Gen3WsStorage: """A class for interacting with the Gen3 workspace storage service. Examples: This generates the Gen3WsStorage class pointed at the sandbox commons while using the credentials.json downloaded from the commons profile page. >>> auth = Gen3Auth(endpoint, refresh_file="credentials.json") ... wss = Gen3WsStorage(auth) """ def __init__(self, auth_provider=None): """ Initialization for instance of the class to setup basic endpoint info. Args: auth_provider (Gen3Auth, optional): Gen3Auth class to handle passing your token, required for admin endpoints """ self._auth_provider = auth_provider
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.HTTPError, **DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SETTINGS) def upload_url(self, ws, wskey): """ Get a upload url for the given workspace key Args: ws (string): name of the workspace wskey (string): key of the object in the workspace """ wskey = wskey.lstrip("/") res = self._auth_provider.curl("/ws-storage/upload/{}/{}".format(ws, wskey)) raise_for_status_and_print_error(res) return res.json()
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.HTTPError, **DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SETTINGS) def upload(self, src_path, dest_ws, dest_wskey): """ Upload a local file to the specified workspace path """ url = self.upload_url(dest_ws, dest_wskey)["Data"] put_url(url, src_path)
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.HTTPError, **DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SETTINGS) def download_url(self, ws, wskey): """ Get a download url for the given workspace key Args: ws (string): name of the workspace wskey (string): key of the object in the workspace """ wskey = wskey.lstrip("/") res = self._auth_provider.curl("/ws-storage/download/{}/{}".format(ws, wskey)) raise_for_status_and_print_error(res) return res.json()
[docs] def download(self, src_ws, src_wskey, dest_path): """ Download a file from the workspace to local disk Args: src_ws (string): name of the workspace src_wskey (string): key of the object in the workspace dest_path (string): to download the file to """ durl = self.download_url(src_ws, src_wskey)["Data"] get_url(durl, dest_path)
[docs] def copy(self, src_urlstr, dest_urlstr): """ Parse src_urlstr and dest_urlstr, and call upload or download as appropriate """ if src_urlstr[0:3] == "ws:": if dest_urlstr[0:3] == "ws:": raise Exception( "source and destination may not both reference a workspace" ) pathparts = wsurl_to_tokens(src_urlstr) return[0], pathparts[1], dest_urlstr) if dest_urlstr[0:3] == "ws:": pathparts = wsurl_to_tokens(dest_urlstr) return self.upload(src_urlstr, pathparts[0], pathparts[1]) raise Exception("source and destination may not both be local")
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.HTTPError, **DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SETTINGS) def ls(self, ws, wskey): """ List the contents under the given workspace path Args: ws (string): name of the workspace wskey (string): key of the object in the workspace """ wskey = wskey.lstrip("/") res = self._auth_provider.curl("/ws-storage/list/{}/{}".format(ws, wskey)) raise_for_status_and_print_error(res) return res.json()
[docs] def ls_path(self, ws_urlstr): """ Same as ls - but parses ws_urlstr argument of form: ws:///workspace/key Args: ws (string): name of the workspace wskey (string): key of the object in the workspace """ pathparts = wsurl_to_tokens(ws_urlstr) return[0], pathparts[1])
[docs] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.HTTPError, **DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SETTINGS) def rm(self, ws, wskey): """ Remove the given workspace key Args: ws (string): name of the workspace wskey (string): key of the object in the workspace """ wskey = wskey.lstrip("/") res = self._auth_provider.curl( "/ws-storage/list/{}/{}".format(ws, wskey), request="DELETE" ) raise_for_status_and_print_error(res) return res.json()
[docs] def rm_path(self, ws_urlstr): """ Same as rm - but parses the ws_urlstr argument """ pathparts = wsurl_to_tokens(ws_urlstr) return self.rm(pathparts[0], pathparts[1])