Source code for

Module for indexing actions for downloading a manifest of
indexed file objects (against indexd's API). Supports
multiple processes and coroutines using Python's asyncio library.

The default manifest format created is a Comma-Separated Value file (csv)
with rows for every record. A header row is created with field names:

Fields that are lists (like acl, authz, and urls) separate the values with spaces.

    CURRENT_DIR (str): directory this file is in
    INDEXD_RECORD_PAGE_SIZE (int): number of records to request per page
    MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS (int): maximum number of desired concurrent requests across
    TMP_FOLDER (str): Folder directory for placing temporary files
        NOTE - We have to use a temporary folder b/c Python's file writing is not
              thread-safe so we can't have all processes writing to the same file.
              To workaround this, we have each process write to a file and concat
              them all post-processing.
import asyncio
import aiofiles
import click
import json
import time
import json
import csv
import glob
from cdislogging import get_logger

import os
import sys
import shutil
import math

from import (

from gen3.utils import get_or_create_event_loop_for_thread, yield_chunks
from gen3.index import Gen3Index

CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
TMP_FOLDER = os.path.abspath(CURRENT_DIR + "/tmp") + "/"

logging = get_logger("__name__")

[docs] async def async_download_object_manifest( commons_url, output_filename="object-manifest.csv", num_processes=4, max_concurrent_requests=MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS, input_manifest=None, python_subprocess_command="python", ): """ Download all file object records into a manifest csv Args: commons_url (str): root domain for commons where indexd lives output_filename (str, optional): filename for output num_processes (int, optional): number of parallel python processes to use for hitting indexd api and processing max_concurrent_requests (int): the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed NOTE: This is the TOTAL number, not just for this process. Used to help determine how many requests a process should be making at one time input_manifest (str): Input file. Read available object data from objects in this file instead of reading everything in indexd. This will attempt to query indexd for only the records identified in this manifest. python_subprocess_command (str, optional): Command used to execute a python process. By default you should not need to change this, but if you are running something like MacOS and only installed Python 3.x you may need to specify "python3". """ start_time = time.perf_counter()"start time: {start_time}") # ensure tmp directories exists and are empty os.makedirs(TMP_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(TMP_FOLDER + "input", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(TMP_FOLDER + "output", exist_ok=True) for file in os.listdir(TMP_FOLDER): file_path = os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) for file in os.listdir(TMP_FOLDER + "input"): file_path = os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER + "input", file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) for file in os.listdir(TMP_FOLDER + "output"): file_path = os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER + "output", file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) result = await _write_all_index_records_to_file( commons_url, output_filename, num_processes, max_concurrent_requests, input_manifest, python_subprocess_command, ) end_time = time.perf_counter()"end time: {end_time}")"run time: {end_time-start_time}")
async def _write_all_index_records_to_file( commons_url, output_filename, num_processes, max_concurrent_requests, input_manifest, python_subprocess_command, ): """ Spins up number of processes provided to parse indexd records and eventually write to a single output file manifest. Args: commons_url (str): root domain for commons where indexd lives output_filename (str, optional): filename for output num_processes (int, optional): number of parallel python processes to use for hitting indexd api and processing max_concurrent_requests (int): the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed NOTE: This is the TOTAL number, not just for this process. Used to help determine how many requests a process should be making at one time input_manifest (str): Input file. Read available object data from objects in this file instead of reading everything in indexd. This will attempt to query indexd for only the records identified in this manifest. """ # used when requesting all records page_chunks = [] # used when an input manifest is provided, this will only read record info for # the records referenced in the manifest based on their checksums record_chunks = [] if input_manifest: # create chunks of checksums logging.debug(f"parsing input file {input_manifest}") input_records, headers = get_and_verify_fileinfos_from_manifest(input_manifest) num_input_records = len(input_records) if not num_input_records: raise AttributeError( f"No valid records found in provided input file: {input_manifest}. " "Please check previous logs." ) logging.debug(f"number input_records: {num_input_records}") logging.debug(f"num processes: {num_processes}") # batch records into subprocesses chunks chunk_size = int(math.ceil(float(num_input_records) / num_processes)) logging.debug(f"records chunk size: {chunk_size}") record_chunks = list(yield_chunks(input_records, chunk_size)) else: index = Gen3Index(commons_url) logging.debug(f"requesting indexd stats...") num_files = int(index.get_stats().get("fileCount")) logging.debug(f"number files: {num_files}") # paging is 0-based, so subtract 1 from ceiling # note: float() is necessary to force Python 3 to not floor the result max_page = int(math.ceil(float(num_files) / INDEXD_RECORD_PAGE_SIZE)) - 1 logging.debug(f"max page: {max_page}") logging.debug(f"num processes: {num_processes}") pages = [x for x in range(max_page + 1)] # batch pages into subprocesses chunk_size = int(math.ceil(float(len(pages)) / num_processes)) logging.debug(f"page chunk size: {chunk_size}") if chunk_size: page_chunks = [ pages[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(pages), chunk_size) ] processes = [] for x in range(max(len(page_chunks), len(record_chunks))): pages = ",".join(map(str, page_chunks[x])) if page_chunks else "," input_record_chunks = ( "|||".join(map(json.dumps, record_chunks[x])) if record_chunks else "|||" ) # write record_checksum chunks to temporary files since the size can overload # command line arguments input_records_chunk_filename = TMP_FOLDER + f"input/input_records_chunk_{x}.txt" f"writing input_record_chunks chunk {x} into {input_records_chunk_filename}" ) with open(input_records_chunk_filename, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write(input_record_chunks.encode("utf8")) # call the cli function below and pass in chunks of pages for each process command = ( f"{python_subprocess_command} {CURRENT_DIR}/ --commons_url " f"{commons_url} --pages {pages} --input-record-chunks-file {input_records_chunk_filename} " f"--num_processes {num_processes} --max_concurrent_requests {max_concurrent_requests}" ) process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(command)"Process_{} - Started w/: {command}") processes.append(process) for process in processes: # wait for the subprocesses to finish stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() if process.returncode == 0:"Process_{} - Done") else:"Process_{} - FAILED")"done processing, combining outputs to single file {output_filename}") # remove existing output if it exists if os.path.isfile(output_filename): os.unlink(output_filename) with open(output_filename, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write("guid,urls,authz,acl,md5,file_size,file_name\n".encode("utf8")) for filename in glob.glob(TMP_FOLDER + "output/*"): if output_filename == filename: # don't want to copy the output into the output continue"combining {filename} into {output_filename}") with open(filename, "rb") as readfile: shutil.copyfileobj(readfile, outfile)"done writing output to file {output_filename}") @click.command() @click.option( "--commons_url", help="Root domain (url) for a commons containing indexd." ) @click.option( "--pages", help='Comma-Separated string of integers representing pages. ex: "2,4,5,6"', ) @click.option( "--input-record-chunks-file", help=( "File containing delimited string of records to retrieve." "ex: /foo/bar.txt" ), ) @click.option( "--num_processes", type=int, help="number of processes you are running so we can make sure we don't open " 'too many http connections. ex: "4"', ) @click.option( "--max_concurrent_requests", type=int, help="number of processes you are running so we can make sure we don't open " 'too many http connections. ex: "4"', ) def write_page_records_to_files( commons_url, pages, input_record_chunks_file, num_processes, max_concurrent_requests ): """ Command line interface function for requesting a number of records from indexd and writing to a file in that process. num_processes is only used to calculate how many open connections this process should request. NOTE: YOU MUST USE EITHER `pages` OR `input-record-chunks-file`, YOU CANNOT USE BOTH Args: commons_url (str): root domain for commons where indexd lives pages (List[int/str]): List of indexd pages to request input_record_chunks_file (str): File with indexd records to request num_processes (int): number of concurrent processes being requested (including this one) max_concurrent_requests (int): the maximum number of concurrent requests allowed NOTE: This is the TOTAL number, not just for this process. Used to help determine how many requests a process should be making at one time Raises: AttributeError: No pages specified to get records from """ if not pages and not input_record_chunks_file: raise AttributeError( "No info specified to get records with. " "Supply either pages or input-record-chunks-file" ) pages = [item for item in pages.strip().strip(",").split(",") if item] input_record_chunks = [] if input_record_chunks_file: with open(input_record_chunks_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: input_record_chunks_from_file = "|||".join(file.readlines()) input_record_chunks = [ json.loads(item) for item in input_record_chunks_from_file.strip().split("|||") if item ] if not pages and not input_record_chunks: raise AttributeError( "No info specified to get records with. " "Supply either pages or input-record-chunks-file with records in the file. " ) if pages and input_record_chunks: raise AttributeError( "YOU MUST USE EITHER `pages` OR `input-record-chunks-file`, YOU CANNOT USE BOTH. " f"You provided pages={pages} and input-record-chunks-file={input_record_chunks_file}." ) loop = get_or_create_event_loop_for_thread() result = loop.run_until_complete( _get_records_and_write_to_file( commons_url, pages, input_record_chunks, num_processes, max_concurrent_requests, ) ) return result async def _get_records_and_write_to_file( commons_url, pages, input_record_chunks, num_processes, max_concurrent_requests ): """ Getting indexd records and writing to a file. This function creates semaphores to limit the number of concurrent http connections that get opened to send requests to indexd. It then uses asyncio to start a number of coroutines. Steps: 1) requests to indexd to get records (writes resulting records to a queue) 2) puts a final "DONE" in the queue to stop coroutine that will read from queue 3) reading those records from the queue and writing to a file Args: commons_url (str): root domain for commons where indexd lives pages (List[int/str]): List of indexd pages to request input_record_chunks (List[dict]): List of indexd records to request num_processes (int): number of concurrent processes being requested (including this one) """ max_requests = int(max_concurrent_requests / num_processes) logging.debug(f"max concurrent requests per process: {max_requests}") lock = asyncio.Semaphore(max_requests) queue = asyncio.Queue() write_to_file_task = asyncio.ensure_future(_parse_from_queue(queue)) if pages: logging.debug("putting records from page into queue") await asyncio.gather( *( _put_records_from_page_in_queue(page, commons_url, lock, queue) for page in pages ) ) else: logging.debug("putting records from input manifest into queue") await asyncio.gather( *( _put_records_from_input_manifest_in_queue( input_record, commons_url, lock, queue ) for input_record in input_record_chunks ) ) await queue.put("DONE") await write_to_file_task async def _put_records_from_input_manifest_in_queue( input_record, commons_url, lock, queue ): """ Gets a semaphore then requests records for the given input_record and puts them in a queue. Args: commons_url (str): root domain for commons where indexd lives input_record (int/str): indexd record to request (must contain checksum) lock (asyncio.Semaphore): semaphones used to limit ammount of concurrent http connections queue (asyncio.Queue): queue to put indexd records in """ checksum = input_record.get(MD5_STANDARD_KEY) index = Gen3Index(commons_url) async with lock: # default ssl handling unless it's explicitly http:// ssl = None if "https" not in commons_url: ssl = False records = await index.async_get_records_from_checksum( checksum=checksum, _ssl=ssl ) # if nothing was found, we still want to output the input record if not records: records.append(input_record) await queue.put(records) async def _put_records_from_page_in_queue(page, commons_url, lock, queue): """ Gets a semaphore then requests records for the given page and puts them in a queue. Args: commons_url (str): root domain for commons where indexd lives page (int/str): indexd page to request lock (asyncio.Semaphore): semaphones used to limit ammount of concurrent http connections queue (asyncio.Queue): queue to put indexd records in """ index = Gen3Index(commons_url) async with lock: # default ssl handling unless it's explicitly http:// ssl = None if "https" not in commons_url: ssl = False records = await index.async_get_records_on_page( page=page, limit=INDEXD_RECORD_PAGE_SIZE, _ssl=ssl ) await queue.put(records) async def _parse_from_queue(queue): """ Read from the queue and write to a file Args: queue (asyncio.Queue): queue to read indexd records from """ loop = get_or_create_event_loop_for_thread() file_name = TMP_FOLDER + f"output/{os.getpid()}.csv" async with, "w+", encoding="utf8") as file:"Writing to {file_name}") csv_writer = csv.writer(file) records = await queue.get() while records != "DONE": if records: for record in list(records): # we want to represent records that are found correctly # (e.g. ones with did's), but records that are directly from an input # manifest (e.g. no did) we do NOT want to modify, so # treat these cases separately if record.get("did"): urls = " ".join( sorted( [ url.replace(" ", "%20") for url in record.get("urls") if url ] ) ) authz = " ".join( sorted( [ authz_resource.replace(" ", "%20") for authz_resource in record.get("authz") if authz_resource ] ) ) acl = " ".join( sorted( [a.replace(" ", "%20") for a in record.get("acl") if a] ) ) manifest_row = [ record.get("did", ""), urls, authz, acl, record.get("hashes", {}).get("md5", ""), record.get("size", ""), record.get("file_name", ""), ] else: manifest_row = [ record.get(GUID_STANDARD_KEY, ""), record.get(URLS_STANDARD_KEY, ""), record.get(AUTHZ_STANDARD_KEY, ""), record.get(ACL_STANDARD_KEY, ""), record.get(MD5_STANDARD_KEY, ""), record.get(SIZE_STANDARD_KEY, ""), record.get(FILENAME_STANDARD_KEY, ""), ] await csv_writer.writerow(manifest_row) records = await queue.get() file.flush() if __name__ == "__main__": write_page_records_to_files()