Source code for gen3.submission

import itertools
import json
import requests
import os
from cdislogging import get_logger
import pandas as pd

from gen3.utils import raise_for_status_and_print_error

logging = get_logger("__name__")

class Gen3Error(Exception):

class Gen3SubmissionQueryError(Gen3Error):

class Gen3UserError(Gen3Error):

[docs] class Gen3Submission: """Submit/Export/Query data from a Gen3 Submission system. A class for interacting with the Gen3 submission services. Supports submitting and exporting from Sheepdog. Supports GraphQL queries through Peregrine. Args: auth_provider (Gen3Auth): A Gen3Auth class instance. Examples: This generates the Gen3Submission class pointed at the sandbox commons while using the credentials.json downloaded from the commons profile page. >>> auth = Gen3Auth(refresh_file="credentials.json") ... sub = Gen3Submission(auth) """ def __init__(self, endpoint=None, auth_provider=None): # auth_provider legacy interface required endpoint as 1st arg self._auth_provider = auth_provider or endpoint self._endpoint = self._auth_provider.endpoint def __export_file(self, filename, output): """Writes an API response to a file.""" with open(filename, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(output) print("\nOutput written to file: " + filename) ### Program functions
[docs] def get_programs(self): """List registered programs""" api_url = f"{self._endpoint}/api/v0/submission/" output = requests.get(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output.json()
[docs] def create_program(self, json): """Create a program. Args: json (object): The json of the program to create Examples: This creates a program in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.create_program(json) """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/".format(self._endpoint) output =, auth=self._auth_provider, json=json) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output.json()
[docs] def delete_program(self, program): """Delete a program. This deletes an empty program from the commons. Args: program (str): The program to delete. Examples: This deletes the "DCF" program. >>> Gen3Submission.delete_program("DCF") """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}".format(self._endpoint, program) output = requests.delete(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output
### Project functions
[docs] def get_projects(self, program): """List registered projects for a given program Args: program: the name of the program you want the projects from Example: This lists all the projects under the DCF program >>> Gen3Submission.get_projects("DCF") """ api_url = f"{self._endpoint}/api/v0/submission/{program}" output = requests.get(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output.json()
[docs] def create_project(self, program, json): """Create a project. Args: program (str): The program to create a project on json (object): The json of the project to create Examples: This creates a project on the DCF program in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.create_project("DCF", json) """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}".format(self._endpoint, program) output = requests.put(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider, json=json) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output.json()
[docs] def delete_project(self, program, project): """Delete a project. This deletes an empty project from the commons. Args: program (str): The program containing the project to delete. project (str): The project to delete. Examples: This deletes the "CCLE" project from the "DCF" program. >>> Gen3Submission.delete_project("DCF", "CCLE") """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}".format(self._endpoint, program, project) output = requests.delete(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output
[docs] def get_project_dictionary(self, program, project): """Get dictionary schema for a given project Args: program: the name of the program the project is from project: the name of the project you want the dictionary schema from Example: >>> Gen3Submission.get_project_dictionary("DCF", "CCLE") """ api_url = f"{self._endpoint}/api/v0/submission/{program}/{project}/_dictionary" output = requests.get(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output.json()
[docs] def open_project(self, program, project): """Mark a project ``open``. Opening a project means uploads, deletions, etc. are allowed. Args: program: the name of the program the project is from project: the name of the project you want to 'open' Example: >>> Gen3Submission.get_project_manifest("DCF", "CCLE") """ api_url = f"{self._endpoint}/api/v0/submission/{program}/{project}/open" output = requests.put(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) return output.json()
### Record functions
[docs] def submit_record(self, program, project, json): """Submit record(s) to a project as json. Args: program (str): The program to submit to. project (str): The project to submit to. json (object): The json defining the record(s) to submit. For multiple records, the json should be an array of records. Examples: This submits records to the CCLE project in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.submit_record("DCF", "CCLE", json) """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}".format(self._endpoint, program, project) logging.debug("Using the Sheepdog API URL: {}".format(api_url)) output = requests.put(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider, json=json) output.raise_for_status() return output.json()
[docs] def delete_record(self, program, project, uuid): """ Delete a record from a project. Args: program (str): The program to delete from. project (str): The project to delete from. uuid (str): The uuid of the record to delete Examples: This deletes a record from the CCLE project in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.delete_record("DCF", "CCLE", uuid) """ return self.delete_records(program, project, [uuid])
[docs] def delete_records(self, program, project, uuids, batch_size=100): """ Delete a list of records from a project. Args: program (str): The program to delete from. project (str): The project to delete from. uuids (list): The list of uuids of the records to delete batch_size (int, optional, default: 100): how many records to delete at a time Examples: This deletes a list of records from the CCLE project in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.delete_records("DCF", "CCLE", ["uuid1", "uuid2"]) """ if not uuids: return api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}/entities".format( self._endpoint, program, project ) for i in itertools.count(): uuids_to_delete = uuids[batch_size * i : batch_size * (i + 1)] if len(uuids_to_delete) == 0: break output = requests.delete( "{}/{}".format(api_url, ",".join(uuids_to_delete)), auth=self._auth_provider, ) try: raise_for_status_and_print_error(output) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: print( "\n{}\nFailed to delete uuids: {}".format( output.text, uuids_to_delete ) ) raise return output
[docs] def delete_node(self, program, project, node_name, batch_size=100, verbose=True): """ Delete all records for a node from a project. Args: program (str): The program to delete from. project (str): The project to delete from. node_name (str): Name of the node to delete batch_size (int, optional, default: 100): how many records to query and delete at a time verbose (bool, optional, default: True): whether to print progress logs Examples: This deletes a node from the CCLE project in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.delete_node("DCF", "CCLE", "demographic") """ return self.delete_nodes( program, project, [node_name], batch_size, verbose=verbose )
[docs] def delete_nodes( self, program, project, ordered_node_list, batch_size=100, verbose=True ): """ Delete all records for a list of nodes from a project. Args: program (str): The program to delete from. project (str): The project to delete from. ordered_node_list (list): The list of nodes to delete, in reverse graph submission order batch_size (int, optional, default: 100): how many records to query and delete at a time verbose (bool, optional, default: True): whether to print progress logs Examples: This deletes a list of nodes from the CCLE project in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.delete_nodes("DCF", "CCLE", ["demographic", "subject", "experiment"]) """ project_id = f"{program}-{project}" for node in ordered_node_list: if verbose: print(node, end="", flush=True) first_uuid = "" while True: query_string = f"""{{ {node} (first: {batch_size}, project_id: "{project_id}") {{ id }} }}""" res = self.query(query_string) uuids = [x["id"] for x in res["data"][node]] if len(uuids) == 0: break # all done if first_uuid == uuids[0]: raise Exception("Failed to delete. Exiting") first_uuid = uuids[0] if verbose: print(".", end="", flush=True) self.delete_records(program, project, uuids, batch_size) if verbose: print()
[docs] def export_record(self, program, project, uuid, fileformat, filename=None): """Export a single record into json. Args: program (str): The program the record is under. project (str): The project the record is under. uuid (str): The UUID of the record to export. fileformat (str): Export data as either 'json' or 'tsv' filename (str): Name of the file to export to; if no filename is provided, prints data to screen Examples: This exports a single record from the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.export_record("DCF", "CCLE", "d70b41b9-6f90-4714-8420-e043ab8b77b9", "json", filename="DCF-CCLE_one_record.json") """ assert fileformat in [ "json", "tsv", ], "File format must be either 'json' or 'tsv'" api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}/export?ids={}&format={}".format( self._endpoint, program, project, uuid, fileformat ) output = requests.get(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider).text if filename is None: if fileformat == "json": try: output = json.loads(output) except ValueError as e: print(f"Output: {output}\nUnable to parse JSON: {e}") raise return output else: self.__export_file(filename, output) return output
[docs] def export_node(self, program, project, node_type, fileformat, filename=None): """Export all records in a single node type of a project. Args: program (str): The program to which records belong. project (str): The project to which records belong. node_type (str): The name of the node to export. fileformat (str): Export data as either 'json' or 'tsv' filename (str): Name of the file to export to; if no filename is provided, prints data to screen Examples: This exports all records in the "sample" node from the CCLE project in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.export_node("DCF", "CCLE", "sample", "tsv", filename="DCF-CCLE_sample_node.tsv") """ assert fileformat in [ "json", "tsv", ], "File format must be either 'json' or 'tsv'" api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}/export/?node_label={}&format={}".format( self._endpoint, program, project, node_type, fileformat ) output = requests.get(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider).text if filename is None: if fileformat == "json": try: output = json.loads(output) except ValueError as e: print(f"Output: {output}\nUnable to parse JSON: {e}") raise return output else: self.__export_file(filename, output) return output
### Query functions
[docs] def query(self, query_txt, variables=None, max_tries=1): """Execute a GraphQL query against a Data Commons. Args: query_txt (str): Query text. variables (:obj:`object`, optional): Dictionary of variables to pass with the query. max_tries (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of times to retry if the request fails. Examples: This executes a query to get the list of all the project codes for all the projects in the Data Commons. >>> query = "{ project(first:0) { code } }" ... Gen3Submission.query(query) """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/graphql".format(self._endpoint) if variables == None: query = {"query": query_txt} else: query = {"query": query_txt, "variables": variables} tries = 0 while tries < max_tries: output =, auth=self._auth_provider, json=query).text data = json.loads(output) if "errors" in data: raise Gen3SubmissionQueryError(data["errors"]) if not "data" in data: print(query_txt) print(data) tries += 1 return data
[docs] def get_graphql_schema(self): """Returns the GraphQL schema for a commons. This runs the GraphQL introspection query against a commons and returns the results. Examples: This returns the GraphQL schema. >>> Gen3Submission.get_graphql_schema() """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/getschema".format(self._endpoint) output = requests.get(api_url).text data = json.loads(output) return data
### Dictionary functions
[docs] def get_dictionary_node(self, node_type): """Returns the dictionary schema for a specific node. This gets the current json dictionary schema for a specific node type in a commons. Args: node_type (str): The node_type (or name of the node) to retrieve. Examples: This returns the dictionary schema the "subject" node. >>> Gen3Submission.get_dictionary_node("subject") """ api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/_dictionary/{}".format( self._endpoint, node_type ) output = requests.get(api_url).text data = json.loads(output) return data
[docs] def get_dictionary_all(self): """Returns the entire dictionary object for a commons. This gets a json of the current dictionary schema for a commons. Examples: This returns the dictionary schema for a commons. >>> Gen3Submission.get_dictionary_all() """ return self.get_dictionary_node("_all")
### File functions
[docs] def get_project_manifest(self, program, project): """Get a projects file manifest Args: program: the name of the program the project is from project: the name of the project you want the manifest from Example: >>> Gen3Submission.get_project_manifest("DCF", "CCLE") """ api_url = f"{self._endpoint}/api/v0/submission/{program}/{project}/manifest" output = requests.get(api_url, auth=self._auth_provider) return output
[docs] def submit_file(self, project_id, filename, chunk_size=30, row_offset=0): """Submit data in a spreadsheet file containing multiple records in rows to a Gen3 Data Commons. Args: project_id (str): The project_id to submit to. filename (str): The file containing data to submit. The format can be TSV, CSV or XLSX (first worksheet only for now). chunk_size (integer): The number of rows of data to submit for each request to the API. row_offset (integer): The number of rows of data to skip; '0' starts submission from the first row and submits all data. Examples: This submits a spreadsheet file containing multiple records in rows to the CCLE project in the sandbox commons. >>> Gen3Submission.submit_file("DCF-CCLE","data_spreadsheet.tsv") """ # Read the file in as a pandas DataFrame f = os.path.basename(filename) if f.lower().endswith(".csv"): df = pd.read_csv(filename, header=0, sep=",", dtype=str).fillna("") elif f.lower().endswith(".xlsx"): xl = pd.ExcelFile(filename) # load excel file sheet = xl.sheet_names[0] # sheetname df = xl.parse(sheet) # save sheet as dataframe converters = { col: str for col in list(df) } # make sure int isn't converted to float df = pd.read_excel(filename, converters=converters).fillna("") # remove nan elif filename.lower().endswith((".tsv", ".txt")): df = pd.read_csv(filename, header=0, sep="\t", dtype=str).fillna("") else: raise Gen3UserError("Please upload a file in CSV, TSV, or XLSX format.") df.rename( columns={c: c.lstrip("*") for c in df.columns}, inplace=True ) # remove any leading asterisks in the DataFrame column names # Check uniqueness of submitter_ids: if len(list(df.submitter_id)) != len(list(df.submitter_id.unique())): raise Gen3Error( "Warning: file contains duplicate submitter_ids. \nNote: submitter_ids must be unique within a node!" ) # Chunk the file print("\nSubmitting {} with {} records.".format(filename, len(df))) program, project = project_id.split("-", 1) api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}".format(self._endpoint, program, project) headers = {"content-type": "text/tab-separated-values"} start = row_offset end = row_offset + chunk_size chunk = df[start:end] count = 0 results = { "invalid": {}, # these are invalid records "other": [], # any unhandled API responses "details": [], # entire API response details "succeeded": [], # list of submitter_ids that were successfully updated/created "responses": [], # list of API response codes } # Start the chunking loop: while (start + len(chunk)) <= len(df): timeout = False valid_but_failed = [] invalid = [] count += 1 print( "Chunk {} (chunk size: {}, submitted: {} of {})".format( count, chunk_size, len(results["succeeded"]) + len(results["invalid"]), len(df), ) ) try: response = requests.put( api_url, auth=self._auth_provider, data=chunk.to_csv(sep="\t", index=False), headers=headers, ).text except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: results["details"].append(e.message) continue # Handle the API response if ( "Request Timeout" in response or "413 Request Entity Too Large" in response or "Connection aborted." in response or "service failure - try again later" in response ): # time-out, response is not valid JSON at the moment print("\t Reducing Chunk Size: {}".format(response)) results["responses"].append("Reducing Chunk Size: {}".format(response)) timeout = True else: try: json_res = json.loads(response) except ValueError as e: print(response) print(str(e)) raise Gen3Error("Unable to parse API response as JSON!") if "message" in json_res and "code" not in json_res: print( "\t No code in the API response for Chunk {}: {}".format( count, json_res.get("message") ) ) print("\t {}".format(json_res.get("transactional_errors"))) results["responses"].append( "Error Chunk {}: {}".format(count, json_res.get("message")) ) results["other"].append(json_res.get("transactional_errors")) elif "code" not in json_res: print("\t Unhandled API-response: {}".format(response)) results["responses"].append( "Unhandled API response: {}".format(response) ) elif json_res["code"] == 200: # success entities = json_res.get("entities", []) print("\t Succeeded: {} entities.".format(len(entities))) results["responses"].append( "Chunk {} Succeeded: {} entities.".format(count, len(entities)) ) for entity in entities: sid = entity["unique_keys"][0]["submitter_id"] results["succeeded"].append(sid) elif json_res["code"] == 500: # internal server error print("\t Internal Server Error: {}".format(response)) results["responses"].append( "Internal Server Error: {}".format(response) ) else: # failure (400, 401, 403, 404...) entities = json_res.get("entities", []) print( "\tChunk Failed (status code {}): {} entities.".format( json_res.get("code"), len(entities) ) ) results["responses"].append( "Chunk {} Failed: {} entities.".format(count, len(entities)) ) for entity in entities: sid = entity["unique_keys"][0]["submitter_id"] if entity["valid"]: # valid but failed valid_but_failed.append(sid) else: # invalid and failed message = str(entity["errors"]) results["invalid"][sid] = message invalid.append(sid) print("\tInvalid records in this chunk: {}".format(len(invalid))) if ( len(valid_but_failed) > 0 and len(invalid) > 0 ): # if valid entities failed bc grouped with invalid, retry submission chunk = chunk.loc[ df["submitter_id"].isin(valid_but_failed) ] # these are records that weren't successful because they were part of a chunk that failed, but are valid and can be resubmitted without changes print( "Retrying submission of valid entities from failed chunk: {} valid entities.".format( len(chunk) ) ) elif ( len(valid_but_failed) > 0 and len(invalid) == 0 ): # if all entities are valid but submission still failed, probably due to duplicate submitter_ids. Can remove this section once the API response is fixed: raise Gen3Error( "Please check your data for correct file encoding, special characters, or duplicate submitter_ids or ids." ) elif timeout is False: # get new chunk if didn't timeout start += chunk_size end = start + chunk_size chunk = df[start:end] else: # if timeout, reduce chunk size and retry smaller chunk if chunk_size >= 2: chunk_size = int(chunk_size / 2) end = start + chunk_size chunk = df[start:end] print( "Retrying Chunk with reduced chunk_size: {}".format(chunk_size) ) timeout = False else: print("Last chunk:\n{}".format(chunk)) raise Gen3Error( "Submission is timing out. Please contact the Helpdesk." ) print("Finished data submission.") print("Successful records: {}".format(len(set(results["succeeded"])))) print("Failed invalid records: {}".format(len(results["invalid"]))) return results