Source code for gen3.object

import requests
from gen3.utils import raise_for_status_and_print_error

class Gen3ObjectError(Exception):

[docs] class Gen3Object: """For interacting with Gen3 object level features. A class for interacting with the Gen3 object services. Currently allows creating and deleting of an object from the Gen3 System. Args: auth_provider (Gen3Auth): A Gen3Auth class instance. Examples: This generates the Gen3Object class pointed at the sandbox commons while using the credentials.json downloaded from the commons profile page. >>> auth = Gen3Auth(refresh_file="credentials.json") ... object = Gen3Object(auth) """ def __init__(self, auth_provider=None): self._auth_provider = auth_provider self.service_endpoint = "/mds" def create_object(self, file_name, authz, metadata=None, aliases=None): url = ( self._auth_provider.endpoint.rstrip("/") + self.service_endpoint + "/objects" ) body = { "file_name": file_name, "authz": authz, "metadata": metadata, "aliases": aliases, } response =, json=body, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(response) data = response.json() return data["guid"], data["upload_url"]
[docs] def delete_object(self, guid, delete_file_locations=False): """ Delete the object from indexd, metadata service and optionally all storage locations Args: `guid` -- GUID of the object to delete `delete_file_locations` -- if True, removes the object from existing bucket location(s) through fence Returns: Nothing """ delete_param = "?delete_file_locations" if delete_file_locations else "" url = ( self._auth_provider.endpoint.rstrip("/") + self.service_endpoint + "/objects/" + guid + delete_param ) response = requests.delete(url, auth=self._auth_provider) raise_for_status_and_print_error(response)