Discovery Page¶
The Discovery Page provides users a venue to search and find studies and datasets displayed on the Biomedical Research Hub. Users can browse through the publicly accessible study-level metadata without requiring authorization.
Use text-based search, faceted search, and tags to rapidly and efficiently find relevant studies, discover new datasets across multiple resources, and easily export selected data files to the analysis workspace. Browse through datasets and study-level metadata and find studies using tags, advanced search, or the free text search field.
Search Features¶
On the Discovery page, several features help you navigate and refine your search.
- Total number of studies: shows the number of studies the BRH is currently displaying.
- Total number of subjects: shows the number of subjects the BRH is currently displaying.
- Free Text Search: Use keywords or tags in the free-text-based search bar to find studies. The free-text search bar can be used to search for study name, ID number, Data Commons, or any keyword that is mentioned in the metadata of the study.
- Data Resources/Data Commons Tags: view these by selecting "Study Characteristics". Click on a tag to filter by a Data Resource/Data Commons. Selecting multiple tags works in an "OR" logic (e.g., "find AnVIL OR BioData Catalyst studies").
- Export Options: Login first to leverage the export options. Select one or multiple studies and download a file manifest or export the data files to a secure cloud environment "Workspace" to start your custom data analysis in Python or R.
- Data Availability: Filter on available, pending, and not-yet-available datasets.
- Studies: This table feature presents all current studies on BRH. Click on any study to show useful information about the study (metadata).
Find available Study-level Metadata¶
Clicking on any study will display the available study-level and dataset metadata.
Find accessible Datasets¶
Users can select and filter studies from multiple resources and conduct analyses on the selected datasets in a workspace. Users can search but not interact with data they do not have access to. By selecting the data access button in the top right corner of the study page user access can be displayed. The Discovery Page will automatically update the list of studies that are accessible.